egyptian walking onion: it's not like the others
For those who cultivate the Egyptian walking onion, it is not only a plant of culinary and ornamental significance but also a testament to the wonders of nature.
february's tender beginnings
The advent of spring brings the rich promise of the growing season ahead. The air smells of hope and renewal, and a universe of possibilities. For us, the feeling never gets old, no matter how distressing the state of the world may be.
brad's atomic grape tomato looks wild
Baker Creek, where I got Brad's Atomic Grape tomato seeds says that this is their favorite tomato and their best selling one. I can see why. It grows in multi-color shades and doesn't look like any tomato I've seen before.
a certain death just around the corner
The squash and the zucchinis to my amazement are still flowering, not caring at all that it will all end soon.
meet the spectacular black strawberry cherry tomato
This is one of the most "photogenic" tomatoes around; its color transformation throughout the growing reason is a source of unending enchantment.